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 Air Conditioning Service

Air Conditioning Service

The A/C system uses refrigerant. Too little refrigerant from leaks and not servicing the A/C system reduces the amount of lubricant on the compressor, which can ultimately cause damage. By having your vehicle’s A/C system serviced as part of your…
 Battery, Starting and Charging

Battery, Starting and Charging

Your vehicle’s electrical system has three primary components – a battery, starter and alternator. All three of these things must work together for your electrical system to function properly.
 Vehicle Inspections

Vehicle Inspections

Regular and thorough vehicle inspections are a vital part of maintaining your vehicle. Inspections can help identify any current problems and help you plan and prioritize any upcoming maintenance and repair needs.
 Steering & Suspension

Steering & Suspension

Your vehicle’s steering and suspension systems work together to keep your tires in contact with the road, maintain handling and stability, reduce the effect of shock forces in the passenger cabin, and ensures correct ride height and vehicle alignment.
 Tires & Wheels

Tires & Wheels

Your tires are the critical link between the vehicle and the road. Tires are designed to support the vehicle’s weight, maintain and change the direction of travel, absorb road shocks, transmit traction, torque and braking forces to the road surface.
 Brake Service

Brake Service

The brake system is one of the most essential systems of a vehicle and a critical aspect of passenger safety. It allows you to control your vehicle, reduce speed, or come to a complete stop.